Philip Dacey


Toora Loora


                                              for Fay


Pregnant, she practices singing lullabies.

The baby will be doubly held, by arms and tone

of voice, its rise and fall, as childhood flies.


A first-time mother determined to memorize

dozens of lyrics, she waits till she's alone

in the house before she practices lullabies,


the house a womb to sing in, where she lies

back as if afloat and tries out, "Day Is Done,"

her voice softening, for childhood too quickly flies.


She imagines looking down and into eyes

new to the world—so new they sing their own

song of hello—as she practices lullabies.


Can there be a better musical enterprise?

Are hers not the sounds all music's built on,

the mother lode?  She thinks how childhood flies,


then readies her voice to quiet a baby's cries.

Ever since she first dreamed of her child she's known

she'd make a practice of singing lullabies

to slow the passage of their days.  Childhood flies.

Philip Dacey's latest of eleven books is Mosquito Operas: New and Selected Short Poems (Rain Mountain Press, 2010).  The winner of three Pushcart Prizes, two NEA grants, and a Fulbright to Yugoslavia, he has written entire collections of poems about Gerard Manley Hopkins, Thomas Eakins, and New York City.  More information about him appears at



Current Issue
Contributors' Notes

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A CLOSER LOOK: Jean Nordhaus

Peggy Aylsworth

Bruce Bennett

Brad Bisio

Judith Bowles

Terri Brown-Davidson

Wendy Taylor Carlisle

Gayle Reed Carroll

Grace Cavalieri

Will Cordeiro

Barbara Crooker

Philip Dacey

Dante Di Stefano

Margot Farrington

Roger Fogelman

Taylor Graham

Will Greenway

Maryanne Hannan on Diane Lockward

Audrey Henderson

Laura Eleanor Holloway

Siham Karami

Peter Kline

Judy Kronenfeld

Michael Lauchlan

Lyn Lifshin

Laura Manuelidis

Judith McCombs

Nancy Fitz-Hugh Meneely

Joe Mills

Yvette Neisser Moreno and Patricia Bejarano Fisher

David Derbin Nolta

Andrew H. Oerke

Dean Olson

Laura Orem on Linda Pastan

Laura Orem on Terence Winch

Scott Owens

William Page

Beth Paulson

Eleanor Paynter

Joanna Pearson

Simon Perchik

R.D. Parker

Oliver Rice

W.M. Rivera

Michael Salcman

Mike Smetzer

Matthew Buckley Smith

Stephen Spencer

Rob Spiegel

Jack Stewart

Mark Thalman

Kathi Wolfe

Patrick Woodcock

Katherine E. Young















Last Updated: Feb 22, 2020 - 12:30:13 PM

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