Grace Cavalieri

Cancelling the Future

Today is a kind of palace, light
cascades like a rainstorm.
Thankfully, the afternoon refuses to be evening,
and how wonderful that all living things are suddenly
livelier versions of the dead,
nothing better, nothing worse,
an equality of sorts in this.

I understand fully
that birth and death give us a sense of love and grief.
That's what they're for: That's the provenance,
coarsened by all the years in between.

There are two quotes about this I cannot
ascribe and I apologize in advance;
never mind, I just found who said this:
"to have a happy ending one
must stop short of the end  . . . ."
It was John Banville who wrote it.                                

The one I cannot place is this: "Prose
is most hopeful. It assumes the writer will
live more than a day to finish it."

Then someone said poetry
was for depressed people. Well,
I think writing is all a kind of Love

and why should Love care about our ending.
Please don't think I don't care about dying.
I do. I'm not being cynical,
I am heartsore actually and even the worse for wear,
because I see more than I bargain for, and always have.

Grace Cavalieri is the author of 16 books and chapbooks of poems, as well as 23 produced full-length and short-form plays. Her newest publication is Millie's Sunshine Tiki Villas (2010, Casa Menendez).  Grace has founded and still produces "The Poet and the Poem" on public radio celebrating 34 years on-air.  It is recorded at the Library of Congress.   She holds the Allen Ginsberg Poetry Award, the Bordighera Poetry Prize, The Paterson Award for Excellence in Poetry, the CPB Silver Medal, Pen Center's Best Books List, plus others. Her play "Anna Nicole: Blonde Glory" opened in NYC in 2011.



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A CLOSER LOOK: Jean Nordhaus

Peggy Aylsworth

Bruce Bennett

Brad Bisio

Judith Bowles

Terri Brown-Davidson

Wendy Taylor Carlisle

Gayle Reed Carroll

Grace Cavalieri

Will Cordeiro

Barbara Crooker

Philip Dacey

Dante Di Stefano

Margot Farrington

Roger Fogelman

Taylor Graham

Will Greenway

Maryanne Hannan on Diane Lockward

Audrey Henderson

Laura Eleanor Holloway

Siham Karami

Peter Kline

Judy Kronenfeld

Michael Lauchlan

Lyn Lifshin

Laura Manuelidis

Judith McCombs

Nancy Fitz-Hugh Meneely

Joe Mills

Yvette Neisser Moreno and Patricia Bejarano Fisher

David Derbin Nolta

Andrew H. Oerke

Dean Olson

Laura Orem on Linda Pastan

Laura Orem on Terence Winch

Scott Owens

William Page

Beth Paulson

Eleanor Paynter

Joanna Pearson

Simon Perchik

R.D. Parker

Oliver Rice

W.M. Rivera

Michael Salcman

Mike Smetzer

Matthew Buckley Smith

Stephen Spencer

Rob Spiegel

Jack Stewart

Mark Thalman

Kathi Wolfe

Patrick Woodcock

Katherine E. Young















Last Updated: Feb 22, 2020 - 12:30:13 PM

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