Peggy Aylsworth


The sound of pounded nails rattles cups

on tables at the outdoor cafe.  Men work,

hung with the apron of their trade,

its tools, lifting themselves

onto the lattice of wooden bones

toward what they build in the sight

of breakfast eaters after 9 a.m.

I'm one, too hot even in the early sun

of late October, watching two men,

no longer young, balance a board in place

between them, easy as habit, nails hit like homers.

This making with the hands: as though my pen,

swung in an arc, travels toward an honest thing.

Often, women have been said to make what perishes.

If I'd been the mother of Euripides,

would I have written tragedies

instead of selling vegetables to pay the rent?

What comes from what? I'd chorus with the Trojan women.

Who preserves?  Fire into fire.  A hard day's hammering

this board, this thought, this possibility.

Peggy Aylsworth's poetry has appeared in Beloit Poetry Journal, Ars Interpres (Sweden), Laurel Review, Zone, and numerous other journals throughout the U.S.

and abroad.



Current Issue
Contributors' Notes

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A CLOSER LOOK: Jean Nordhaus

Peggy Aylsworth

Bruce Bennett

Brad Bisio

Judith Bowles

Terri Brown-Davidson

Wendy Taylor Carlisle

Gayle Reed Carroll

Grace Cavalieri

Will Cordeiro

Barbara Crooker

Philip Dacey

Dante Di Stefano

Margot Farrington

Roger Fogelman

Taylor Graham

Will Greenway

Maryanne Hannan on Diane Lockward

Audrey Henderson

Laura Eleanor Holloway

Siham Karami

Peter Kline

Judy Kronenfeld

Michael Lauchlan

Lyn Lifshin

Laura Manuelidis

Judith McCombs

Nancy Fitz-Hugh Meneely

Joe Mills

Yvette Neisser Moreno and Patricia Bejarano Fisher

David Derbin Nolta

Andrew H. Oerke

Dean Olson

Laura Orem on Linda Pastan

Laura Orem on Terence Winch

Scott Owens

William Page

Beth Paulson

Eleanor Paynter

Joanna Pearson

Simon Perchik

R.D. Parker

Oliver Rice

W.M. Rivera

Michael Salcman

Mike Smetzer

Matthew Buckley Smith

Stephen Spencer

Rob Spiegel

Jack Stewart

Mark Thalman

Kathi Wolfe

Patrick Woodcock

Katherine E. Young















Last Updated: Feb 22, 2020 - 12:30:13 PM

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