Alixa Doom

H O L Y    B L O O D


A CNN special gave us the news:

Jesus and Mary Magdalene married; authority

speculates, there could be a long line

of descendants wandering with blood

that was holy,

and DNA from a time


kept secret for such a long time.

That there would be children was a new

alert that thousands might be holy

as established by the authority

of an analysis of the blood

proving divinity’s direct line


through generations, a line

across nations and a time

of battlefields and blood

glutting the news;

sometimes authority

declared the wars unholy.


All civilizations had holy

ones, an infinite line

blessed by authority,

with divinity that exceeds time.

They were lauded with news

of gifts defying flesh and blood.


Jewish, Kurdish, Armenian, Syrian blood,

American Indian, too, and many holy

races were erased in efforts not news,

to extinguish a number of lines

of peoples rooted in time

and galaxies of celestial authority.


Now that media suggests with authority

Jesus and Mary Magdalene shared their blood,

a diaspora of DNA throughout countries and time

could find migrants in ditches holy,

refugees’ capsizing boats gripping news,

their scattered divinity in headlines.


It is a holy time.

It aligns with the heart’s authority—

the heart that pumps news of Jesus in the blood.

Alixa Doom has published in numerous magazines. Her chapbook manuscript, titled Cedar Crossings, was awarded the 2009 Blue Light Poetry Prize and published in 2010.  Her first full-length book of poems, A Slow Dissolve of Egrets, was published by Red Dragonfly Press in 2014.  She moved in 2011 from her home of many years in the Minnesota River Valley to South Minneapolis.



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Contributors' Notes

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A CLOSER LOOK: Michael Collier

Glen Armstrong

Jane Blue

Martha Christina

Douglas Clark

Michael Collins

Philip Dacey

Alixa Doom

Keith Dunlap

Renee Gherity

Claire Keyes on Barbara Crooker

Michael Lauchlan

Jenna Le

Saundra Rose Maley on Donald Berger

Laura Manuelidis

Judith McCombs

Seth Michelson on Alicia Partnoy

Joseph Mills

George Moore

Roger Pfingston

Oliver Rice

David Salner

Robert Joe Stout

Michele Wolf















Last Updated: Feb 22, 2020 - 12:30:13 PM

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