Shirley J. Brewer


A moonless road outside Taos,
my silk attire
too rich for changing a flat.
This guy stops his Charger,
says Lady, let me help.

Everything simmers down to details—
my lips flutter over his red shirt.
He might have been a matador
flaunting his fire, the crowd
aroused and shouting olé.

I'd flirt with words
if only my jaws would move.
Joy mounts,
my mind whips up
Spanish omelet breakfasts in bed.

Will he wave his crimson capa
over my shrinking tire?
When he borrows my rusty jack,
my ruby stilettos gore the ground;
my mood deflates, my mouth a wound.

Before he leaves, he thrusts
out his hand for a hearty shake.
Oh, suitor of lights, devour me,
my silent lament,
as he drives off in a fiesta of dust.

My tongue unties, implores the night:
Ah, toreador of the West,
I miss your dusky eyes. Woo me
with your serpentina—
I dread Madrid without you.

Shirley J. Brewer (Baltimore, MD) is a poet, educator, and workshop facilitator. Publication credits include: The Cortland ReviewInnisfree Poetry JournalPearl, Comstock Review, Loch Raven Review, Passager, Manorborn, and other journals. Her poetry chapbook, A Little Breast Music, was published in 2008 by Passager Books.  A second book of poems, After Words, was recently published (February, 2013) by Apprentice House/Loyola University.  M.A. Creative Writing/Publishing Arts, University of Baltimore, 2005.



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A CLOSER LOOK: Linda Pastan

Don Berger

George Bishop

Lavina Blossom

Judy Brackett

Shirley J. Brewer

Mark Jay Brewin, Jr.

Emily Rose Cole

Philip Dacey

Colin Dodds

Phillip A. Ellis

Susan Mitchell Evans

Roger Fogelman

Lucia Galloway

Joshua Gray on Yvette Neisser Moreno

William Greenway

David Brendan Hopes

Kinzy Janssen

Carol J. Jennings

Judy Kronenfeld

Hailey Leithauser on James Arthur

Elaine Magarrell

Victoria Kohn Michels

Simon Perchik

Allan Peterson

Roger Pfingston

W.J. Preston

Oliver Rice

Michael Salcman

Catherine Simpson

Lee Slonimsky

Katherine Smith

Myrna Stone

Robert Joe Stout

Matthew Thorburn

Lawrence Wray

Remembering Ed Zimmerman















Last Updated: Feb 22, 2020 - 12:30:13 PM

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