Nancy Naomi Carlson's work
has appeared in Innisfree, as well
as such journals as Chelsea, Colorado Review, Crazyhorse, Denver Quarterly,
The Greensboro Review, Poetry, Prairie Schooner, and The Southern Review. She is an associate editor for Tupelo Press and an
instructor at The Writer's Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Nominated five times
for a Pushcart prize, she was the winner of the 2005 Tennessee Chapbook Prize,
as well as the Texas Review Press' Robert Phillips Poetry Chapbook Prize
(2002). Her full-length collection of poetry, Kings Highway, won the 1996 Washington Writers' Publishing House
competition. Stone Lyre, a
collection of translations of the French poet René Char, is forthcoming from Tupelo
Press in January 2010.
René Char (1907–1988), French
poet, was influenced by the surrealists, his love of his native Provence, and
his social activism. He was an active participant in the French Resistance
movement, as well as an outspoken critic of nuclear missile silos in France. He
is known for his economy of style, including his aphorisms and his short bursts
of prose.