What She Longed For
To have each day open
like a love letter;
to slip out of her past
the way an unzipped dress
puddles to the floor;
to empty the mind
and feel it flap
like a windsock;
to let spirit play,
dust motes
on ladders of light;
to set her senses
through all her organs;
to dance
across continents
while standing still;
to float
beneath the moon
in a Chagall painting.
to be awake
in her dreaming.
Winter's Lessons
Trees stripped of summer's store
and fall's giveaway reveal the bones
of what stays. The river frozen
to the shore's lip speaks less,
keeps to itself what belongs to itself.
The bear in his den, the bat suspended
in his cave, know when to sleep
and when to wake. No longer
hitched to the world's rhythms,
no longer ruled by appetite, they wait
for an inner pull to rouse them.
And what is more instructional
than snowfall, its knack for making
the familiar new. Or night, arriving early,
flooding its borders at both ends.
Jane Ellen Glasser's poetry has appeared in numerous
journals, such as Hudson Review, Southern Review, Virginia Quarterly Review,
Georgia Review, Hayden's Ferry Review, and Poetry Northwest. Her
poems have garnered numerous awards from the Irene Leache Society, Puddingstone,
and the Poetry Society of Virginia, and she has been recognized for outstanding
articles on teaching poetry that were featured in Virginia English Bulletin
and English Journal. In the past she reviewed poetry books for the Virginian-Pilot,
edited poetry for the Ghent Quarterly
and Lady Jane's Miscellany, and
co-founded the nonprofit arts organization and journal New Virginia
Review. A first collection of
her poetry, Naming the Darkness, with an introduction by W.D. Snodgrass,
was issued by Road Publishers in 1991. She won the Tampa Review Prize for
Poetry 2005, and her award-winning book, Light Persists, published by
Tampa University Press in April 2006, received an honorable mention in the 2007
Library of Virginia Literary Awards. Her chapbook On the Corner of Yesterday, published in 2010, was followed by The Long Life, which won the Poetica
Publishing Company Chapbook Contest 2011. Her latest collection, The Red Coat, appeared from FutureCycle
Press in 2013. Glasser volunteers at the Paul Rein Detention Facility in
Broward County, conducting poetry workshops with inmates. She is a member of
The Poetry Society of Virginia, The Writers' Network of South Florida, and The
Fort Lauderdale Writers' Group.