Vanessa Gebbie


I would not be water more than I am.

You, a mathematician, say
I am little more than tides,

I respond to the moon. Ebb and flow
As blood replaces blood, and cell, cell.
Nothing but a small ocean.

I would not be water more than that.
Not salve to drought,
Holding monsters of the deep,

Not be cloud, or rain,
Not sit stagnant and green
Where cattle tongue and tread,

Or be the stillness of a lake,
Lilies growing over my darkest parts.

Except I might be your mirror

And, were I to be water more
You would lift me up, needing,
And I would be swallowed whole.

A writer, creative writing teacher and editor, Vanessa Gebbie lives in East Sussex, UK. Her short fiction has been widely published and has won many awards including prizes at both Fish and Bridport 2007. Her debut collection of short fiction Words From A Glass Bubble is forthcoming from Salt Publishing, Cambridge UK.  "To Not Be Water" was her first extremely tentative poetry submission.



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Kate Bernadette Benedict

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Roxana Cazan

Norma Chapman

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Barbara Crooker

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Sarah DeCorla-Souza

Roberta Feins

Nan Fry

Martin Galvin

Vanessa Gebbie

Brian Gilmore

Howard Good

John Grey

Brenda Mann Hammack

Colleen S. Harris

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2008 - 7:15:49 AM

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