Christian Wiman is the author of two poetry collections, and his latest
book of autobiographical prose and criticism, Ambition and Survival:
Becoming a Poet, is out from Copper Canyon Press this fall. He is the
editor of Poetry magazine.
Caitlin Kimball is a poet living in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Peter Campion is the author of a book of poems, Other People, and a monograph on the painter Mitchell Johnson. D.H. Tracy's poetry and criticism appear widely. He lives in Illinois.
Danielle Chapman
Danielle Chapman's recent poems appear in The Atlantic Monthly and The
New England Review. A resident of Chicago, she regularly reviews for
The Chicago Tribune and Poetry.
Brandon Stosuy, a staff writer and columnist at Pitchfork and columnist
at Stereogum, contributes art, book, and music criticism to various
publications. Up Is Up, But So Is Down, his anthology of downtown New
York literature, was a 2006 Village Voice Book of the Year.
Francisco Aragón is the author of Puerta del Sol and editor of The Wind
Shifts: New Latino Poetry. The founding editor of Momotombo Press, he
directs Letras Latinas--the literary program of the Institute for
Latino Studies at the University of Notre Dame.
Sarah Manguso is the author of a story collection and two collections of poetry, including Siste Viator (Four Way Books). She earned degrees from Harvard and the University of Iowa, and lives in Brooklyn.
Stephen Burt teaches at Harvard University. His books include Popular Music, Parallel Play, and The Forms of Youth.
Rachel Aviv lives in Brooklyn and has written about books for the Village Voice, Salon, and The Believer.
Brian Staveley currently lives in southeast Asia and is working on a novel.
Peter Campion
Peter Campion is the author of a book of poems, Other People, and a monograph on the painter Mitchell Johnson.
John Felstiner's translations and critical work have been widely
published and awarded. He teaches at Stanford. John's newest book, So
Much Depends, dealing with poetry and environmental urgency, will be
published by Yale University Press in 2008.
Carl Phillips
Carl Phillips is the author of more than eight books of poetry,
including Quiver of Arrows: Selected Poems 1986-2006, and The Tether,
which won the Kingsley Tufts Award. Phillips teaches at Washington
University in Saint Louis, and he recently was awarded the 2006 Academy
of American Poets Fellowship.
Brian Phillips
Brian Phillips is a regular reviewer for Poetry magazine.
Peter Campion
Peter Campion is the author of a book of poems, Other People, and a monograph on the painter Mitchell Johnson.
David Gewanter is author of In the Belly and The Sleep of Reason, and
he is also co-editor of The Collected Poems of Robert Lowell (Farrar,
Straus and Giroux).
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