Franz Baskett


It is not much to stand on the corner
Across from the smell of the bakery
And know each one of the cracks
Underfoot like an unchanging friend.

Then I can see that the blonde
In the white French rabbit coat
Walking the piebald Afghan
Is no bigger a deal than she actually is.

Further along the street, the bartenders
Are just opening up with a practiced
And sour grace. A woman is shaking
A green rug from the second story.

A motorcycle explodes from the light,
Snapping my head around. The cycle
And the cyclist are pure.
A simple sentence. Noun and verb.

The light again turns red as I go up the hill
Past leather shop, bookstore, gelateria.
When I reach the top, it is not much
To stand with the sky around your ears
Like a blue helmet, like something
Very close to triumph.

A graduate of the University of Arkansas, Franz Baskett's poems have appeared in the Southern Review, The New Orleans Review, Poem, and The Pacific Review among others. He resides in Fayetteville, AR.



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A CLOSER LOOK: Eric Pankey

Franz Baskett

Kate Bernadette Benedict

Bruce Bennett

Ben Berman

George Bishop

Sheila Black

Ronda Broatch

Jeremy Byars

Ann Cale

Roxana Cazan

Norma Chapman

Nancy Kenney Connolly

Barbara Crooker

Michael C. Davis

Sarah DeCorla-Souza

Roberta Feins

Nan Fry

Martin Galvin

Vanessa Gebbie

Brian Gilmore

Howard Good

John Grey

Brenda Mann Hammack

Colleen S. Harris

Joy Helsing

Nellie Hill

Melanie Houle

Michael Hutchison

Jason Irwin

Lisa Kosow

Frederick Lord

Dan Masterson

William McCue

Claire McGoff

John Milbury-Steen

Anna Mills

Roger Mitchell

Barbara J. Orton

Richard Peabody

Steven Pelcman

Patric Pepper

Allan Peterson

Gretchen Primack

Oliver Rice

Margaret A. Robinson

Janice D. Soderling

John Solensten

Joseph Somoza

Sandra Staas

Micah Stack

Susan Stiles

Jennifer Sullivan

Colette Thomas

Barbara M. White

Kathi Wolfe

Ernie Wormwood















Last Updated: Mar 13, 2008 - 7:15:49 AM

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