Paul Grayson



There was a bank in the woods I knew

In days long gone where the bloodroots grew,

Alone in the dead leaves, just exposed,

Facing the rumble of the road,

Their petals white and few and frail

Barely surviving by the trail.

For merely a minute in the spring

Was the bloodroot's time for flowering.

No other flower, no other leaf,

It was bloodroot time, so swift, so brief,

At the foot of a gaunt and sunlit tree,

For companions a titmouse and chickadee.

And the years have passed and I still know

The way to the bank where the bloodroots grow.

A prominent, longtime member of the Washington, D.C., literary community,
Paul Grayson served as a weather observer in World War II in the U.S. Air Force for four years, including two years in mainland Alaska and the Aleutian Islands.  He has a B.S. in botany and an M.S. and Ph.D. in agricultural economics.  Prior to retirement, he worked as a statistician and economist for the Census Bureau, Social Security Administration, and the IRS.  His poems have appeared in Mercury, Comment, Phoenix, Quirks, and the Statistical Reporter.  He has published research papers in the Journal of Farm Economics, Statistics of Income Bulletin, and elsewhere.  He has been a featured reader of his poetry on satellite radio and at Mariposa, the Kensington Library, and other D.C. venues.



Current Issue
Contributors' Notes

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A CLOSER LOOK: John Koethe

Bruce Bennett

Jane Blue

Debra Bruce

Phillip Calderwood

Ann Cale

Michael Catherwood

Christina Daub

Nancy Devine

Paul Fisher

E. Laura Golberg

Erica Goss

Paul Grayson

Gabe Heilig

Heather Hughes

Rich Ives

Rose Kelleher

Douglas Korb

Mary Ann Larkin

Lyn Lifshin

Doris Lynch

Katie Manning

Laura Manuelidis

Bonnie Maurer

Joan Mazza

Judith McCombs

Rachel McGahey

Claire McGoff

Joe Mills

Jean Nordhaus

Scott Owens

William Page

Rhodora Penaranda

Jacklyn Potter

Oliver Rice

Elisavietta Ritchie

A.L. Rodenberg

Marybeth Rua-Larsen

Tania Runyan

David Salner

E.M. Schorb

Lynda Self

Janice D. Soderling

Jim Solomone

Jack Stewart

John Surowiecki

Sharlie West















Last Updated: Feb 22, 2020 - 12:30:13 PM

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