Bruce J. Berger
Bruce J. Berger received his MFA in Creative Writing from American University, where he worked with poets David Keplinger and Kyle Dargan. His poem “From the Maternity Ward†previously appeared in the Innisfree Poetry Journal, and other poems have been published in a variety of literary magazines. His poem “In the Last Room With My Father†won first prize in Montgomery Magazine's 2018 poetry contest. He lives in Silver Spring, MD, with his wife, Laurie.
Joe Bishop
Joe Bishop’s work has appeared in literary journals across his home country of Canada as well as abroad. In 2016, he received a Newfoundland & Labrador Arts & Letters award for poetry.
Dan Campion
Dan Campion is the author of Peter De Vries and Surrealism and coeditor of Walt Whitman: The Measure of His Song, a third edition of which was issued in 2019. His poems have appeared previously in the Innisfree Poetry Journal and in many anthologies and magazines, including Able Muse, Blue Unicorn, Ekphrasis, Light, Measure, Midwest Quarterly, The North American Review, Poetry, Rolling Stone, Shenandoah, and Think. He lives in Iowa City, Iowa.
John Delaney
John Delaney is the author of Waypoints
(Pleasure Boat Studio, Seattle), a collection of place poems and Twenty
Questions, a chapbook (Finishing Line
Press, 2018). In 2016, he moved to Port Townsend, WA, after a lifetime in the East, where he was curator of historic maps at Princeton. He’s traveled widely, preferring remote, natural settings, and is addicted to kayaking and hiking.
Katherine Fallon
Katherine Fallon’s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in AGNI, Juked, Apple Valley Review, Colorado Review, and Best New Poets 2019, among others. Her chapbook, The Toothmakers’ Daughters, is available through Finishing Line Press. She teaches at Georgia Southern University and shares domestic space with two cats and her favorite human, who helps her zip her dresses.
David Lee Garrison
The poetry of David Lee Garrison has appeared widely in journals and anthologies, and two poems from his book Sweeping the Cemetery were read by Garrison Keillor on The Writer’s Almanac. The title poem from his Playing Bach in the DC Metro was featured by Poet Laureate Ted Kooser on his website, American Life in Poetry, and read on the BBC in London. He won the Paul Laurence Dunbar Poetry Prize in 2009 and was named Ohio Poet of the Year in 2014. He lives in Oakwood, Ohio.
Ted Jean
Ted Jean writes, paints, plays tennis with Amy Lee. Nominated twice for Best of the Net and twice for the Pushcart Prize, his work appears in Beloit Poetry Journal, PANK, Spillway, DIAGRAM, and North American Review.
Laurie Lamon
Laurie Lamon is the author of The Fork Without Hunger and Without Wings, both from CavanKerry Press. Her poems have appeared in The Atlantic, The New Republic, Plume, Ploughshares, J Journal: New Writing on Justice, Innisfree Poetry Journal, The Literary Review, and others. Her awards include a Pushcart Prize and selection, by Donald Hall, as winner of a Witter Bynner Fellowship in 2007. She currently holds the Amy Ryan Endowed Professorship at Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington, and serves as poetry editor for Rock & Sling. She lives with her husband, Bill Siems, and their two Dachshund Chihuahua mix dogs, Willow and Johnny.
Michael Lauchlan
Michael Lauchlan’s most recent collection is Trumbull Ave., from Wayne State University Press (2015). His poems appear in New England Review, Virginia Quarterly Review, The North American Review, Innisfree, Valparaiso Poetry Review, Sugar House Review, Louisville Review, Poet Lore, Ninth Letter, Harpur Palate, and Southern Poetry Review. Poems are forthcoming in Radar and Rhino.
Sean Lause
Sean Lause is the author of three collections, most recently Midwest Theodicy (Taj Mahal Review, 2019). A professor of English at Rhodes State College in Lima, Ohio, his poems have appeared in the Innisfree Poetry Journal, as well as The Minnesota Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, Another Chicago Magazine, Beloit Poetry Journal, and Illuminations and Poetry International.
Peter Leight
Peter Leight’s poems have appeared in Paris Review, AGNI, Field, Beloit Poetry Review, Raritan, Matter, and other magazines.
Laura Manuelidis
Laura Manuelidis is a physician and neuroscientist at Yale who found how repeated DNA sequences define chromosome folding and structure. She is the author of two books of poems: Out of Order (iUniverse, 2007) and One / divided by Zero: poems (CreateSpace, 2014). Her work, which appears in Oxford Poetry, The Nation, and Evergreen Review, has been nominated for Pushcart prizes. She continues to investigate infectious causes of dementia and to publish scientific articles and other essays.
Susan McLean
Susan McLean is a retired English professor from Southwest Minnesota State University. Her
poetry books include The Best Disguise (winner of the Richard Wilbur Award) and The
Whetstone Misses the Knife (winner of the Donald Justice Poetry Prize). She has also published a book of translations of Martial’s Latin poems, Selected Epigrams. She lives in Iowa City, Iowa.
Nicholas Molbert
Originally from the Louisiana Gulf Coast, Nicholas now lives and writes in Cincinnati as a PhD candidate at the University of Cincinnati. You can find his work at The Adroit Journal, The Cincinnati Review, DIAGRAM, Missouri Review, Ninth Letter, and Pleiades among others.
Jesse Morales
Jesse Morales is a Pushcart Prize-nominated poet who received her artistic training in contemporary dance. Her work has appeared in Poetica, Geez Magazine, Apeiron Review, Deep South Magazine, 100 Word Story, Danse Macabre, and other publications. Jesse lives and writes in Greensboro, North Carolina.
James P. Nicola
James B. Nicola’s full-length collections are Manhattan Plaza (2014), Stage to Page (2016), Wind in the Cave (2017), Out of Nothing: Poems of Art and Artists (2018) and Quickening: Poems from Before and Beyond (2019). His nonfiction book Playing the Audience won a Choice award. He is the facilitator for the Hell's Kitchen International Writers’ Roundtable, meeting twice monthly at the Columbus Library in Manhattan, which has so far seen participants from four states, five boroughs, and six continents. Walk-ins welcome!
Jean Nordhaus
Jean Nordhaus was the subject of our Closer Look in Innisfree 13. Her most recent collection is Memos from the Broken World (Mayapple Press, 2016). Her other books include Innocence, which won the Charles B. Wheeler Prize (The Ohio State University Press, 2006), The Porcelain Apes of Moses Mendelssohn (Milkweed Editions, 2002), My Life in Hiding (Quarterly Review of Literature, 1991), A Bracelet of Lies (Washington Writers’ Publishing House, 1987) and two chapbooks, A Purchase of Porcelain and A Language of Hands.
Patric Pepper
Patric Pepper is the author of Temporary Apprehensions, winner of the Washington Writers’ Publishing House poetry prize (2004), and two poetry chapbooks. His work has appeared most recently in, or is forthcoming from, Poetry X Hunger, The Northern Virginia Review, Okay Donkey Magazine, and The Sunlight Press. Pepper lives in Washington, D.C.
Simon Perchik
Simon Perchik is an attorney whose poems have appeared in Partisan Review, Forge, Poetry, Osiris, The New Yorker and elsewhere. His most recent collection is The Gibson Poems (Cholla Needles Arts & Literary Library, 2019). For more information including free e-books and his essay “Magic, Illusion and Other Realities†please visit his website at www.simonperchik.com.
To view one of his interviews please follow this link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSK774rtfx8
John Perrault
John Perrault is the author of Jefferson’s Dream (Hobblebush Books, 2009), Here Comes the Old Man Now (Oyster River Press, 2005), The Ballad of Louis Wagner (Peter Randall, 2003), and 9 CDs of his ballads and songs. He was a co-recipient of the Rosalie Boyle/Norma Farber Award from the New England Poetry Club in 2008 and was nominated for a Pushcart in 2016 by Mobius: The Journal of Social Change. He has had recent work in Orbis (UK), The Comstock Review, Commonweal Magazine, and SpoKe. John served as Portsmouth, NH, poet laureate, 2003-2005. www.johnperrault.com
Roger Pfingston
Roger Pfingston has a new chapbook, What’s Given, available from Kattywompus Press. More recent poems will appear this year in Passager, Main Street Rag, Cider Press Review, U.S. 1 Worksheets and I-70 Review.
Mark Rubin
Mark Rubin has published one book of poems, The Beginning of Responsibility (Owl Creek Press). His work has appeared in The Gettysburg Review, The Ohio Review, Prairie Schooner, The Virginia Quarterly Review, and elsewhere. A past recipient of the Discovery/The Nation Award and a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship, he lives in Burlington, VT, where he is a psychotherapist in private practice.
Michael Salcman
Michael Salcman, poet, physician and art historian, was chairman of neurosurgery at the University of Maryland and president of the Contemporary Museum in Baltimore. “Dante’s Lake†first appeared in The Peacock Review. Poems appear in Alaska Quarterly Review, Arts & Letters, Hopkins Review, The Hudson Review, New Letters, Notre Dame Review, Poet Lore, and Ontario Review. Salcman is the author of four chapbooks. Books include The Clock Made of Confetti (Orchises, 2007), nominated for The Poets' Prize, The Enemy of Good is Better (Orchises, 2011), Poetry in Medicine, his popular anthology of classic and contemporary poems on doctors, patients, illness & healing (Persea Books, 2015) and A Prague Spring, Before & After (2016), winner of the 2015 Sinclair Poetry Prize from Evening Street Press.
Andrew Szilvasy
Andrew teaches British Literature outside of Boston, and has poems appearing or forthcoming in
CutBank, Barrow Street, Smartish Pace, Tar River Poetry, The American Journal of Poetry, and
RHINO, among others. He lives in Boston with his wife.
Faith Williams
Faith Williams lives in Washington, D.C. with her husband and two dogs. Her poems have appeared in Earth’s Daughters, The Sow’s Ear Poetry Review, Leaping Clear, Poet Lore, Nimrod, Kansas Quarterly, Tinderbox, MomEgg, and Antiphon, among others. She has served as a children’s librarian in a charter school as well as in the D.C. libraries. Earlier in her career, she taught English.
Terence Winch
Terence Winch is the author of eight poetry collections: The Known Universe (2018), This Way Out, Lit from Below, Falling out of Bed in a Room with No Floor, Boy Drinkers, The Drift of Things, The Great Indoors (Columbia Book Award winner), and Irish Musicians/American Friends (American Book Award winner). He has also written two story collections, Contenders and That Special Place: New World Irish Stories, which draw on his experiences as a founding member of the original Celtic Thunder, the acclaimed Irish band. His work is included in more than 40 anthologies, among them the Oxford Book of American Poetry, Poetry 180, and five editions of Best American Poetry, and has been featured on “The Writer’s Almanac†and NPR’s “All Things Considered.†Winch is the recipient of an NEA Fellowship in poetry and a Gertrude Stein Award for Innovative Writing, among other honors. He was the subject of our Closer Look in Innisfree 5.
Anne Harding Woodworth
Anne Harding Woodworth is the author of six books of poetry with a seventh, Trouble, coming out in late 2020. Besides several appearances in the Innisfree Poetry Journal, her work is published and anthologized in print, as well as digitally, at home and abroad. Her quirky chapbook, The Last Gun, in the voice of the last gun on earth, won the COG Poetry Award, judged by A. Van Jordan. An excerpt from it was subsequently animated at http://www.cogzine.com/watch. She is a member of the Poetry Board at the Folger Shakespeare Library and on the Board of Governors of the Emily Dickinson Museum.
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