Laura Manuelidis


 In the coherent white glare of tomorrow

it becomes hard to remember what you said under the 

            Canopy of foam.


 Saying goodbye, a filigree of moans

blankets this earth, as each human grief, never complete 

            Slides from day:


 Day that always promises the blossom of re-becoming

purple, translucent and calm, some hidden passerine 

            Going nowhere


 while suddenly, deep in the leaves, he clears his warbling

wherewithal to send his polished song aloft 

            To be revealed 


 in a chromatic someday that surely must be perfect:

A place where one again can dream the imperfect 

            Life lived 


 together, unpossessed inside one grain of chance

that can't ever catch the logical bus to school

            Entering the unknowing.

Laura Manuelidis is a physician and neuroscientist at Yale who found how repeated DNA sequences define chromosome folding and structure. She is the author of two books of poems: Out of Order (iUniverse, 2007) and One / divided by Zero: poems (CreateSpace, 2014). Her work, which appears in Oxford Poetry, The Nation, and Evergreen Review, has been nominated for Pushcart prizes. She continues to investigate infectious causes of dementia and to publish scientific articles and other essays.



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Bruce J. Berger

Joe Bishop

Dan Campion

John Delaney

Katherine Fallon

David Lee Garrison

Ted Jean

Laurie Lamon

Michael Lauchlan

Sean Lause

Peter Leight

Laura Manuelidis

Susan McLean

Nicholas Molbert

Jesse Morales

James P. Nicola

Jean Nordhaus

Patric Pepper

Simon Perchik

John Perrault

Roger Pfingston

Mark Rubin

Michael Salcman

Andrew Szilvasy

Faith Williams

Terence Winch

Anne Harding Woodworth















Last Updated: Feb 22, 2020 - 12:30:13 PM

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