Daniel Lusk

Poet, Old School

He imagined words as silhouettes
of former creatures—nouns as animals
shorn of fur and leather, verbs as birds
adorned in wings and feathers. So

he believed, and no wonder,
they could be made to sing and sin,
to romp and roar.

If we could learn to listen,
they become themselves, for instance,
the flautist Hermit Thrush on the cliff
at Carraig Binn, a Laughing Thrush
chortling at a sidewalk table in Hawaii.

The snake in Eden’s Garden,
its insouciance, its cool sanguinity.

Daniel Lusk is the author of several poetry collections and other books, most recently The Shower Scene from Hamlet, poems, and The Vermeer Suite, art and poetry. Besides the Innisfree Poetry Journal, his poems appear in current or forthcoming issues of North American Review, Massachusetts Review, Spillway, Nimrod International Journal, Hawaii Pacific Review, and Live Encounters. His genre-bending essay “Bomb” (New Letters) was awarded a Pushcart Prize.



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A CLOSER LOOK: Louis Jenkins

John Barr

Bruce Bennett

Jane Blanchard

Lucia Cherciu

Robert Claps

Don Colburn

Geraldine Connolly

Barbara Lydecker Crane

John Delaney

Peter Grandbois

Edison Jennings

Mary Ann Larkin

Daniel Lusk

Dave Malone

Laura Manuelidis

Ethna McKiernan

Dan Memmolo

Roger Mitchell

Paul Nelson

Richard Newman

Jean Nordhaus

Jennifer O’Riordan

Barbara Orton

Beth Paulson

Patric Pepper

Roger Pfingston

Michele Rappoport

John L. Stanizzi

Steven Winn

Rosemary Winslow

Richard Lee Zuras














Last Updated: Mar 10, 2021 - 2:35:35 PM

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