A CLOSER LOOK: Louis Jenkins

John Barr

John Barr was President of the Poetry Foundation for its first decade. He is the author of six books of poems and three fine press editions. His work is also widely published in magazines. Recent books, from Red Hen Press, include The Hundred Fathom Curve: New and Collected Poems and The Adventures of Ibn Opcit, a two-volume mock epic. Dante in China, a collection of new poems with introduction by Ilya Kaminsky, was published in 2018. See for more.

Roger Mitchell

Roger Mitchell, who was the subject of our Closer Look series in Innisfree 24, is the author of twelve books of poetry, most recently Reason’s Dream (Dos Madres 2018). His new and selected poems, Lemon Peeled the Moment Before, was published by Ausable Press in 2008. The University of Akron Press published his two previous books, Half/Mask, in 2007 and Delicate Bait, which Charles Simic chose for the Akron Prize, in 2003. He has new and upcoming work in Tar River Poetry, Blueline, Mudlark, The Lake (U.K.), Stand (U.K.), Otoliths. Mitchell directed the Creative Writing Program at Indiana University and for a time held the Ruth Lilly Chair of Poetry. He was a 2005 Fellow in Poetry from the New York Foundation for the Arts. Currently at work on a biography of poet Jean Garrigue, he and his wife, the fiction writer Dorian Gossy, live in Jay, New York.

Jennifer O’Riordan

Jennifer O’Riordan, originally from county Cork, Ireland, now lives in Greece. Until 2019, she was the Assistant Director of Irish Studies at Catholic University, where she also taught French and Irish. “All I’ll Say Before I'm Struck Down for Wishing Away This Weather” is her first published poem.

Mary Ann Larkin

Mary Ann Larkin is the author of That Deep and Steady Hum (Broadkill River Press), as well as five chapbooks. Her work has also appeared in anthologies, magazines, and Garrison Keillor’s The Writer’s Almanac. In Cleveland in the 70’s, she co-founded the Big Mama Poetry Troupe, a group of five feminists who toured from Chicago to New York. She’s been awarded residencies at the Jentel Foundation and at Yaddo. She’s earned her living as a writer and a teacher, most recently at Howard University. She has lived in the Washington, DC, area since 1977, as well as in North Truro, Massachusetts.

Barbara Orton

Barbara J. Orton’s poems appear in anthologies including Villanelles, Sestinas, Under the Rock Umbrella, and The New Young American Poets, and in journals including Ploughshares, The Yale Review, and the Innisfree Poetry Journal. She works as a freelance editor and as a writing tutor for MCPS University.

Peter Grandbois

Peter Grandbois is the author of twelve books, the most recent of which is Everything Has Become Birds (Brighthorse, 2020). His poems, stories, and essays have appeared in over one hundred journals. His plays have been nominated for several New York Innovative Theatre Awards and have been performed in St. Louis, Columbus, Los Angeles, and New York. He is poetry editor at Boulevard magazine and teaches at Denison University in Ohio. You can find him at

Dan Memmolo

Dan Memmolo is the author of two collections, most recently Fist City, published by Logan House Press and winner of the Holland Prize. His poems have also appeared in various magazines over the years, including Natural Bridge, Atlanta Review, New York Quarterly and Gargoyle. He lives in Providence, Rhode Island.

John Delaney

John Delaney is the author of Waypoints (Pleasure Boat Studio, 2017), a collection of place poems, and Twenty Questions, a chapbook (Finishing Line Press, 2019). He moved to Port Townsend, Washington, after retiring as curator of historic maps at Princeton University. He’s traveled widely, preferring remote, natural settings, and is addicted to kayaking and hiking.

Laura Manuelidis

Laura Manuelidis is a physician and neuroscientist at Yale who showed how repeated DNA sequences define chromosome folding and structure. She also continues to work on viral causes of dementia and is the author of three books of poems: Out of Order (2007), One / divided by Zero (2014), and Swimming to Oblivion (2020), all available on  Her poems, published in Oxford Poetry, The Nation, Evergreen Review, and other journals have been nominated for Pushcart prizes.

Richard Newman

Richard Newman is the author of three books of poetry, most recently All the Wasted Beauty of the World, and the novel Graveyard of the Gods. His poems and stories have appeared in American Journal of Poetry, Best American Poetry, Boulevard, Crab Orchard Review, Poetry Daily, and many other magazines and anthologies. In a previous life, he served as Editor and Executive Director of River Styx magazine and reading series. He currently lives with his wife and son in Morocco, where he teaches at Al Akhawayn University. “Grave Scything in Takachiho” first appeared in Book of Matches.

Edison Jennings

Edison Jennings is a Head Start school bus driver and school aide in the southern Appalachian region of Virginia. His poetry has appeared in a variety of journals and anthologies, including Innisfree. Broadstone Books will publish his first full-length collection, Intentional Fallacies, later this year.

Don Colburn

Don Colburn’s poems have appeared in Alaska Quarterly Review, Innisfree, The Iowa Review, Ploughshares, Poetry Northwest, and Southern Poetry Review and won the Discovery/The Nation Prize. He has published five poetry collections, including four chapbooks; all five found publication by winning or placing in national manuscript competitions. His newest chapbook, Mortality, With Pronoun Shifts, won the 2018 Cathy Smith Bowers Prize, and Hunger Mountain awarded him this year’s Ruth Stone Poetry Prize. Other honors include residencies at The MacDowell Colony and Yaddo, and five Pushcart Prize nominations. Mr. Colburn came to poetry in the midst of a career as a newspaper reporter for The Washington Post and other papers. He was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in Feature Writing. He has an MFA degree from Warren Wilson College.

Ethna McKiernan

Ethna McKiernan has been twice awarded a Minnesota State Arts Board grant in poetry. Her first book, Caravan, was nominated for the Minnesota Book Award. Her work has been widely anthologized. Her fourth book, Swimming With Shadows, was published in 2019 by Salmon Poetry (Ireland), which will also bring out her Selected Poems in 2021. McKiernan works in Street Outreach for a non-profit serving the Minneapolis homeless population.

Lucia Cherciu

Lucia Cherciu is the author of five books of poetry, including Train Ride to Bucharest (Sheep Meadow Press, 2017), a winner of the Eugene Paul Nassar Poetry Prize. Her work was nominated three times for a Pushcart Prize and twice for Best of the Net. She teaches English at SUNY/Dutchess. Currently, she is looking for an agent for her novel. Her web page is

Daniel Lusk

Daniel Lusk is the author of several poetry collections and other books, most recently The Shower Scene from Hamlet, poems, and The Vermeer Suite, art and poetry. Besides the Innisfree Poetry Journal, his poems appear in current or forthcoming issues of North American Review, Massachusetts Review, Spillway, Nimrod International Journal, Hawaii Pacific Review, and Live Encounters. His genre-bending essay “Bomb” (New Letters) was awarded a Pushcart Prize.

John L. Stanizzi

John L. Stanizzi is author of the collections Ecstasy Among Ghosts, Sleepwalking, Dance Against the Wall, After the Bell, Hallelujah Time!, High Tide—Ebb Tide, Four Bits, Chants, Sundowning, and POND. His poems have been widely published and have appeared in Praxis, Prairie Schooner, The Cortland Review, American Life in Poetry, The New York Quarterly, Paterson Literary Review, The Caribbean Writer, Blue Mountain Review, Rust + Moth, Tar River, Poet Lore, Rattle, Hawk & Handsaw, and many others. His work has been translated into Italian and appeared in El Ghibli, The Journal of Italian Translations Bonafini, Poetarium, and others. His nonfiction has been published in Stone Coast Review, Ovunque Siamo, Adelaide, Scarlet Leaf, Literature and Belief,  Evening Street, Praxis, and others. A former New England Poet of the Year, John is the Flash Fiction Editor of Abstract Magazine TV, and he has read at venues all over New England, including the Mystic Arts Café, the Sunken Garden Poetry Festival, Hartford Stage, and many others. For many years, John coordinated the Fresh Voices Poetry Competition for Young Poets at Hill-Stead Museum, Farmington, CT. He is also a teaching artist for the national recitation contest, Poetry Out Loud. A former Wesleyan University Etherington Scholar, John teaches literature at Manchester Community College in Manchester, CT, and he lives with his wife, Carol, in Coventry. “Swallows” and “Swallows Perch on the Rim of the Nest” first appeared in Verse/Virtual.

Rosemary Winslow
Rosemary Winslow taught writing and literature at the Catholic University of America for 40 years. She has published dozens of articles in journals and encyclopedias on verse-making, prosody, and stylistics; on American poets; and on rhetoric and writing. She has won three Larry Neal Awards for Poetry, and grants from the D.C. Arts & Humanities Council and Vermont Studio Center. Her work has been published in numbers of journals and anthologies. Her most recent collection of poems is titled Defying Gravity. In 2020 a book of essays co-edited with Catherine Lee was published by Woodhall Press and titled Deep Beauty: Experiencing Wonder When the World Is on Fire. She and her husband, John Winslow, who is a visual artist, divide their time between Washington, D.C., and New Hampshire.
Paul Nelson

Paul Nelson, Professor of English, directed Creative Writing for Ohio University for a decade. His 9th book of poetry, Learning to Miss (Guernica Editions, 2018) and his first book of fiction, Refrigerator Church, (Tailwinds Press, 2019), are on Amazon Books. The title story and the novella from this book have each been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. His honors include the AWP Award for Poetry and an Alabama University Press Selection. After two decades of wandering, he has moved back home to Maine.

Dave Malone

Dave Malone is a poet from the Missouri Ozarks. His most recent book is You Know the Ones (Golden Antelope Press, 2017). His poems have appeared in San Pedro River Review, Plainsongs, and Midwest Review. He can be found online at

Robert Claps

Retired from a career in software development, Robert Claps lives in his native Connecticut, near Long Island Sound, with his wife and rescue dogs. Recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in Image, Margie, and Tar River Poetry, among others. A first book, Castings, from Antrim House Books, is due out in early 2021.

Roger Pfingston

Roger Pfingston is the recipient of a poetry fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts and two PEN Syndicated Fiction Awards. He is the author of Something Iridescent, a collection of poetry and fiction, as well as five chapbooks, the most recent being What’s Given from Kattywompus Press. He has poems in recent issues of I-70 Review, Sheila-Na-Gig, Main Street Rag, Dash, Front Range Review, and Valparaiso Poetry Review. In 2020 he was nominated twice for a Pushcart Prize.

Barbara Lydecker Crane

Barbara Lydecker Crane is the author of three collections of poems, some of which have appeared in Light, Measure, Think, and Writer’s Almanac, among many others. These sonnets are part a series, of which fifteen have been published, including one which was a finalist for the Rattle Poetry Prize and one in Ekphrastic Review, which was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She lives near Boston and is also a visual artist.

Steven Winn

Steven Winn is a San Francisco arts critic and former Wallace Stegner Fellow. His poetry has appeared in 32 Poems, Antioch Review, Cimarron Review, Nimrod, Poet Lore, Poetry Daily, Prairie Schooner, Southern Poetry Review, Verse Daily, and elsewhere. His memoir, Come Back, Como (Harper), has been translated into nine languages.

Beth Paulson

Beth Paulson taught English at California State University Los Angeles for over 20 years and now lives in southwestern Colorado where she leads Poetica, a workshop for area poets, and co-founded the Open Bard Literary Series. Her poems have appeared recently in Able Muse Review, Cloudbank, and Bryant Literary Review, and her sixth collection, Luminous, is forthcoming in spring 2021 from Kelsay Books.

Michele Rappoport

Michele Rappoport is a writer and artist who splits her time between Arizona and a hill on the western slope of the Colorado Rockies.  Her writing has appeared in various literary journals, including Delmarva Review, High Desert Journal, Boston Literary Magazine, The Centifictionist, and Art in the Time of Covid-19, an anthology of pandemic writing and art. 

Geraldine Connolly

Geraldine Connolly is the author of four full-length poetry collections: Food for the Winter (Purdue), Province of Fire (Iris Press), Hand of the Wind (Iris Press) and her latest book, Aileron (Terrapin Books, 2018). Her work has appeared in Poetry, The Georgia Review, Gettysburg Review, Cortland Review and Shenandoah. It has been anthologized in Poetry 180: A Poem a Day for American High School Students, Sweeping Beauty: Poems About Housework, and The Doll Collection. She has been awarded two fellowships from the National Endowment for The Arts, the Margaret Bridgman Fellowship of the Bread Loaf Writers Conference, a Maryland Arts Council fellowship and the Yeats Society of New York Poetry Prize. Her work has appeared in Ted Kooser’s column, American Life in Poetry, and has been broadcast on Garrison Keillor’s Writers Almanac. She lives with her husband in Tucson, Arizona. Her website is

Richard Lee Zuras

Richard Lee Zuras is the author of two novels and a recent collection of poems entitled Birds at the Post Office. His poems and stories have appeared regularly in literary journals for twenty-five years, and he is currently writing a textbook on creative writing. In addition to prose and poetry, Rich writes lyrics for his sons’ folk/rock duo Holden & the Dangers. Residing in northern Maine, Rich has worked as Professor of Creative Writing at the University of Maine at Presque Isle since 2001. 

Bruce Bennett

Bruce Bennett is the author of ten full-length collections of poetry and more than thirty poetry chapbooks. His most recent book is Just Another Day in Just Our Town: Poems New And Selected, 2000-2016 (Orchises Press, 2017). His most recent chapbook is A Man Rode Into Town (FootHills Publishing, 2018). He taught English and American Literature and Creative Writing and directed the Visiting Writers Series at Wells College from 1973 until his retirement in 2014, and is now Emeritus Professor of English. In 2012 he received a Pushcart Prize for a villanelle in Ploughshares. His poetry website is

Jane Blanchard

Jane Blanchard of Georgia (USA) has recent work in Allegro, Concho River Review, Lighten Up Online, and Third Wednesday.  Her fourth collection with Kelsay Books is In or Out of Season.

Jean Nordhaus

Jean Nordhaus’ volumes of poetry include Memos from the Broken World, Innocence, and The Porcelain Apes of Moses Mendelssohn. She has served as Poetry Coordinator at the Folger Shakespeare Library, President of Washington Writers’ Publishing House, and for 8 years, Review Editor of Poet Lore. She lives in Washington, DC. Ms. Nordhaus was the subject of our Closer Look series in Innisfree 13.

Patric Pepper

Patric Pepper is the author of Temporary Apprehensions, (winner of the Washington Writers’ Publishing House Poetry Prize) and two poetry chapbooks. His work has appeared most recently in, or is forthcoming from, The Broadkill Review, Gargoyle, and the Washington Writers’ Publishing House anthology, This Is What America Looks Like, 2021. Pepper lives in Washington, D.C.

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A CLOSER LOOK: Louis Jenkins

John Barr

Bruce Bennett

Jane Blanchard

Lucia Cherciu

Robert Claps

Don Colburn

Geraldine Connolly

Barbara Lydecker Crane

John Delaney

Peter Grandbois

Edison Jennings

Mary Ann Larkin

Daniel Lusk

Dave Malone

Laura Manuelidis

Ethna McKiernan

Dan Memmolo

Roger Mitchell

Paul Nelson

Richard Newman

Jean Nordhaus

Jennifer O’Riordan

Barbara Orton

Beth Paulson

Patric Pepper

Roger Pfingston

Michele Rappoport

John L. Stanizzi

Steven Winn

Rosemary Winslow

Richard Lee Zuras

  Innisfree: Innisfree Poetry
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