Colin Dodds

Cardiopolitan Days

Kerfuffles and falafels
Festive suits, the extra glance, extra laugh
We hold each other’s keys
and guard them jealously

Everybody working
from imperfect information
Children conduct the Turing Test on one another
with indian sunburns and titty twisters
The model is mottled
Every gear turns, every eye sees
Love is the welt and the balm
It survives, but never unmixed

Summer returns to teach us a little more
about the thing we stupidly called stupidity

Colin Dodds is a writer with several acclaimed novels and poetry collections to his name. He grew up in Massachusetts and lived in California briefly, before finishing his education in New York City. He’s made a living as a journalist, editor, copywriter and video producer. Colin also writes screenplays, has directed a short film, and built a twelve-foot-high pyramid out of PVC pipe, plywood and zip ties. He lives in New York City, with his wife and daughter. You can find more of his work at



Current Issue
Contributors' Notes

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A CLOSER LOOK: Emily Fragos

Bruce Bennett

Jane Blanchard

Dan Campion

Grace Cavaleri

Barbara Crooker

Holly Day

Colin Dodds

Robert Fillman

Edward Fisher

Jan C. Grossman

William Heath

Max Heinegg

Mercedes Lawry

Moira Linehan

Daniel Lusk

Jim McGarrah

Karen McPherson

Joe Mills

Miles David Moore

Angela Patten

M. Nasorri Pavone

Andrea Potos

Lawrence Rhu

David Salner

Marjorie Stelmach

Tim Suermondt

Anne Harding Woodworth on Jody Bolz

Wei Zheng














Last Updated: Mar 10, 2021 - 2:35:35 PM

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