Jason Maffettone


I've moved from the bottom
To the edge of empire,
Stood there on a wall
Amid coiled, razor-scaled
Serpents. I have watched
The distance
With unblinking eyes,
Poised to touch the hand of death.
I have moved amid
A sea of tents,
Counted the hours of
Tedious, relative safety
Like others before
And beside me.
I have returned to find
What remains
Of the scattered limbs
Planted in the road-side
Crater gardens
So popular in Babylon.
I have gazed upon Caesar
With my own eyes,
Noted his smile
And his lack of scars.

Jason R. M. Maffettone is an insufferable malcontent and under-achiever who delights in acts of petty vandalism and the wanton disrespect of his betters. He is a menial laborer without even the decency to be ashamed of it. Recently freed from indentured servitude to the government, he now resides in his ancestral New Jersey where he will no doubt come to a bad end.



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Deborah Ager

Karren Alenier

John Allman

Anne Becker

Mel Belin

Bruce Bennett

Doraine Bennett

Cliff Bernier

Doris Brody

Trina Carter

Grace Cavalieri

Norma Chapman

Maritza Rivera Cohen

Yoko Danno

Barbara DeCesare

Donna Denizé

Julie Enszer

Colin Flanigan

Roger Fogelman

Martin Galvin

Barbara Goldberg

JoAnne Growney

Sarita Hartz

James C. Hopkins

John Hoppenthaler

Laurie Hurvitz

Donald Illich

W. Luther Jett

J. Ladin

Diane Lockward

Jason Maffettone

Judith McCombs

Louis McKee

Larry Moffi

Miles David Moore

Yvette Neisser

Brent Pallas

Lee Patton

Hilary Tham

Rosemary Winslow

Kathi Wolfe

Ernie Wormwood















Last Updated: Feb 22, 2020 - 12:30:13 PM

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