Oritsegbemi Emmanuel Jakpa


for Joan McBreen
Whatever ink I use to write
whatever lens I choose                                                                              
to capture Connemara
whatever spot I lay down my grief
or pick up joy
whatever Audigier
in her backyard garden paints
with hurricanes
from hair driers
whatever river coils among these hills
over crumpled land
of silence and distance
here fills me, like a glass
with the honey of untouched time

Oritsegbemi Emmanuel Jakpa was born in Warri, Nigeria, and currently lives in Ireland. His poetry has been published in a number of online and print journals and an Irish-Canadian anthology. He is a Yeats's Pierce Loughran Scholar.



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Contributors' Notes

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A CLOSER LOOK: Dan Masterson

Brienne Katherine Adams

John Allman

Bruce Bennett

P.D. Bresnahan

Norma Chapman

Joanne Rocky Delaplaine

Carol Frith

Bridget Gage-Dixon

Sarah Estes Graham

John Grey

Gabe Heilig

Oritsegbemi Emmanuel Jakpa

Rod Jellema

Jennifer Juneau

Claire Keyes

Jacqueline Lapidus

Hiram Larew

Barbara F. Lefcowitz

Donal Mahoney

Laura Manuelidis

Nancy Meneely

Lisa Mullenneaux

Sherry O'Keefe

Scott Owens

Patric Pepper

Allan Peterson

Oliver Rice

Craig van Rooyen

Maggie Schwed

Janice D. Soderling

Paul Stevens

Jeanine Stevens

Garland Strother

Naomi Thiers

Ernie Wormwood

Bill Wunder















Last Updated: Feb 22, 2020 - 12:30:13 PM

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