The Innisfree Poetry Journal
by Jean Tupper
I’m riding my bike my stationary bike and staring at one of the hanging TVs turn off the words turn off the sound the weather CNN churning over my head turn off the women pedaling next to me don’t want to hear don’t want to know the tumor the biopsy all the whispered words
from here I can’t reach can’t turn off As the World Turns nobody asks if I want it or not they’re kissing again No! she slaps him in the face I don’t care but can’t look away he doesn’t understand why her pain how the baby comes into it now what it’s like to be tossed away like trash
the twisted lady has finished her hip abductions and moved on to the pectoral fly the gum-popper is back on the treadmill and the thin man with pelted chest and arms sweats profusely on the elliptical I don’t really know anyone here only that his name is Ralph and the one with tattoos is an ex-Marine we use the same machines row the same compound row give the equipment a good wipe there’s a lot of skin showing but nobody touches
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