The Innisfree Poetry Journal
by Eve Rifkah
A man paints in the fields I watch through the window make excuses to walk Oh so lightly a glance just a glance at his canvas. I know this man, Andre Maurice's friend. He comes and goes glancing my way he sees not just trees not just sky touching earth He sees me waits for me to stride out my door after my dogs their leashes yank me into his eyes I feel the tightening of the bonds.
I call to him one day You can't paint the earth the same way you paint the sky.
I send him a letter Thursday 23 September 1909 I forgot yesterday that I have my model On Friday and Saturday. I must rearrange Our visit to the museum for next Tuesday If you can, come and call me as arranged. And I waited his image merging with my model's leg curve arm lifted
What am I looking at? 23, younger than my son! Yet how can that matter we touch and touch never enough. All the men before were not this man.
She seemed to dance rather than walk. How could I not love her? She had something of Amazon and fairy. I begged Maurice to introduce us. She seemed so pleased. Was it only that Maurice had a friend? And what of her husband a well-placed man stockbroker and banker? I a mere electrician.
Yet I feel her glance Ah she enters my dreams I know not day from night real from unreal.
I set my easel outside her window oh dear God she asked what I was working on wants to see my painting. A self-portrait yet now I see myself in dark next to her brilliance.
I want to stretch myself on her canvas have her paint me in large strokes feel her hand color my life awake
(Lines in italics are quotes from Andre and Suzanne. Suzanne Valadon, 1865-1938, was a famous model and artist. Andre Utter, also an artist, was her second husband. Maurice Utrillo, known for his scenes of urban Paris, was her son.)
avenues empty but for a few faceless smudges wafting specters up narrow streets. all the windows empty not a curtain flutters or pulled back all eyes vanquished from these
streets funneling bottom edge up to dead stop wall blocked doors black slits.
These walls four-sided or just facade propped from behind with heavy beams holding all the walls framing my son's world sunk
into canvas into some place here not here empty and full these streets under leaden skies this city Montmartre distilled in his visions as village as once was not now not now.
We remove Maurice from city straight from angled from his streets and cafes where he fills on wine he picks up his brushes in country verdant bird cry alive paints again again the streets Montmartre
in his room postcards line the walls he never leaves never carries easel and paint the critics taunt Maurice paints Paris from postcards I reply Some painters paint from nature and produce postcards; my son paints from postcards produces masterpieces.
(Note: Lines in italics are quotes from Suzanne Valadon, mother of Maurice Utrillo.)
It's not just that the bones ache flesh becomes unbecoming sags and pulls with each gravitational turn here I have dressed my neck in amber beads my eyes still midsummer blue while the lids fall in autumnal droop
I resign myself to be who I am no longer pretty no longer young on the streets heads turn for the artist not the enchantress so be it
see out the window behind my right shoulder? it is still summer clouds pivot over blue I use blue in the shadows under my breasts
At 18 I paint myself austere thinking I would be beautiful always a midnight blue dress tight to my neck
I paint myself at 48 with the bloom of youth and love still shining my body firm and sensual my dress dropped below my breasts
at 59 I slash the canvas in a rage nothing beautiful anymore fame is casting eyes on Maurice over me fights with Andre tear my heart who am I here?
now I have grown beyond sexuality the raison d'etre in France I have grown old I paint myself winter
no other woman dares document time with her own flesh no other woman strips the layers of convention to aging bone heavy and weary
(Note: Suzanne Valadon was the first woman artist to paint herself aging.)
The artists call me Maria dropping Clementine turning the eei of Marie into an eai. Degas calls me his Terrible Maria.
I become sea-nymph, virgin, muse, goddess For Puvis de Chavannes. In The Grove Sacred to the Arts and Muses I inhabit all the ladies, curve of my hip on one my arms holding a book in another There I am, and again there, that's me. found and changed stroke by stroke.
I am the nymphs and dryads in Jean-Jacques Henner's Melancholy. Even Princess Mathilde found me beguiling. The Italians, the Czech, the Germans and an American, they all loved me with their brushes.
Renoir did the best by me all of Paris sees my face, my rosy skin. I danced in place until every muscle stiff I became the painting. His tender hands rubbed me limber again.
You who pose in the nude for old men you ought to be called Suzanne, said Henri Toulouse and so I shall.
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