The Innisfree Poetry Journal

by GTimothy Gordon


    (after Seamus Heaney)

Senor Heaney cannot drop
A flat vowel
Into bog, well, meadow,
Without mincing words,

Snouts of riffraff, cow,
And calf, blowing Blague,
And blowing into turf-teats,
Into some smalltalk of Broagh.


          caught / in the cold snows of a dream.

Lines of early Spring
Ripen, recede,

Dwarf the morning star
Staggering in.

Day gnaws at a pace
Beneath the mind

Of man and beast
And root and rock, changes

The business of becoming

To peace
Peace among

The quiet race
Of Spring so
Dumbly brought in.

So much this Spring,
This need.

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