The Innisfree Poetry Journal
by Ronda Eller
The inventor, for the invented, gambled his life on a pen, his heart on a stage where the dancer danced or pretended and ambled out, weighing himself on the thread of a page that reemed at life for being incomprehensible.
He mused over women, both baroque and refined, growing awkwardly taller but not thin in nerve; still determining marriage as a finish line to romantic endeavours and courting words- undeceived by the wrinkles in his aging pen.
The poet, adrift on a platitude, painted pictures that spiritually twisted about envisioning a pure infiltration of blatant inscriptions in quiet volumes--the shout of a Harpy impaled on the crimson tide!
Still, the white bird whistled with rose under wing, one eye jammed tight shut from blowing sand where his talon had dug up some truth and the thing's two-handed wisdom could imprint vision's brand on the broken-heart ensign of inchoate man.
Inventing wings on which to fly near an earth-rooted tree that sheltered him he gambled his death on the ethereal sky and waited to hear the midnight clock's chime-- both eyes shut both eyes open wide.
We've lined our journals with walked-on egg shells sewn neatly between the lines with needling pens; their jagged-edged scrapes (like bloodshot eyelids) yell and tooth-on-tooth, like sardined skeletons, they scream their own forebodance.
We visit them--these words, these muses, masks that shift and chatter; tectonic plates of insanity aroused by dreams and loves that would be past if we'd not brought them with us for posterity . to taunt us with some lost pangean essence.
What world was that where we once called our home and still revolves--slipped into this museum-- convinced we'll keep it safe within these tomes, defying burial in attic mausoleums? In reality, we evoked a gestalt monster!
So let the eggs fall, smashing where they lay, soak yolks with time for yellowing every page, entomb that glabrous monster though it brays and use our needling pens in other ways. If the chicken came first, it no longer matters!
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