The Innisfree Poetry Journal

by Jennifer O’Riordan

All I’ll Say Before I'm Struck Down for Wishing Away This Weather

Something else I don’t like,
and I’ll have to whisper this,
is the incredibly hot weather
we’re having here right now.
I wouldn’t mind a drop of rain
or at least a few clouds in the sky.
It seems like there’s no shade
anywhere.  The sky is just
too expansive when it’s always blue.
I like the clouds, their shifting shapes,
the changing colours in the sky.
I love the mist, the gentle wind,
the long bright evenings
that last until eleven.  I even adore
the birds and sun waking me at dawn,
which these days is about four in the morning.
But this heat is all wrong. For this
I need to be on a beach in some country
where people speak a language I don’t understand.
Where I can wonder about what they’re saying
and be glad I don’t know because they’re probably
only talking about what they’ll have for dinner.
Or maybe they’re making fun of me, alien in their midst.
Oh, just to have a few clouds again!

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