The Innisfree Poetry Journal

by Jane Blanchard


The sun shines on the dawning day;
You hope to make your share of hay.

The coffee sits within the pot;
The burner off, the swill not hot.

You use a brand-new razor blade;
You next apply a small BAND-AID.

You try to eat some cereal;
The week-old milk smells terrible.

You brush your teeth and rinse with Scope;
The shower has shampoo, no soap.

You choose cuffed pants, your legs insert;
You don your cleanest dirty shirt.

You grab your briefcase, phone, and keys;
You slide into your car with ease.

The dashboard says to fill the tank;
The billfold says to hit the bank.

The errands run, you rush to work;
You soon get stuck behind some jerk.

You find your parking spot is taken;
You think martini, stirred, not shaken.

You spend four hours at your desk;
The site is less than picturesque.

You focus on a few accounts;
You make some trades, no great amounts.

You order lunch—the usual;
You eat within your cubicle.

You find the beef is corned, not roasted;
The bread is soft—it should be toasted.

You make some calls, then sort some mail;
The spam, the junk, they never fail.

A co-worker sticks up his head;
You wish he kept it down instead.

Another struts her sexy stuff;
You have seen more than is enough.

Your boss drops by just to complain;
It seems the rain still falls in Spain.

You leave the office right at five;
Ten miles is but an hour’s drive.

Another jerk soon cuts you off;
You think of quitting work for golf.

At six you reach your own abode;
You enter with the standard code.

You pour a glass of Pinot Noir;
It tasted better yester soir.

You bake a pizza—pepperoni;
The claim, real cheese, must be baloney.

From eight till ten you watch t.v.;
No channel surfed deserves h.d.

You go to bed to saw one log;
Your mind grinds on from cog to cog.

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