The Innisfree Poetry Journal by Mary Lee
What would a zoom lens see close up, weeds, thorns, brambles? A shower of confetti from cherry blossoms, a heartbreaking mass of pink petals? What yearnings strive for the light? What sunflowers, rambling roses climb into your dreams? Which birds serenade? Have you seen bees pollinate, felt worms ventilating the soil of your desires in your hallowed sanctuary, your heart’s walled garden. A sea-crossing—where
you arrive depends on the winds and the ocean; on disclosures that waken. Your navigation hinges on how you inhabit the mystery you are, your alertness to the elements’ imminence, your freedom to be hurt: step out of the boat onto the turbulence, knowing if anything can hold your weight, your attention can— eyes fixed on that original quest. You don’t know where your conversations will take you: what will be evoked in you— perhaps your loneliness will lead you to be more courageous—risk yourself to experiences’ hazards, find the home of your belonging, make promises you can keep, take the hand you know belongs in yours.
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