The Innisfree Poetry Journal

by Hailey Leithauser

[Bring me the head]

Bring me the head
of the angel whose candle
you read by. Bring me
the photograph
of your first last kiss.

Don’t try to tell me
your flesh is empyreal,
my body a shell. Bring

me your hairbrush
the color of honey,
a dark caramel swan
for when we are dead.

Murder Song
Clack, chatter,                                                                                               
Rattle, rasp, rattle:
Off at midnight
West to shallows
Squall, caw, caw, cackle:
Over meadow, tor, moorland
Natter, scratch, croak, scratch, prattle:               
Graveyard, garth, haycock, cradle.

Copyright 2006-2012 by Cook Communication