The Innisfree Poetry Journal by Michael Gessner
Ghost Trees
The Cypresses of Monterey Bay stand with green flat-tops, like stroppy berets, the rest all trunk, shiny-smooth & gray, randomly broken 8’s & twisted 3’s polished by vandal sand & wind.
Here is one, with hand-on-hip, & its head, a flat branch around an empty circle—ready to strut across a wild stage, all akimbo as if on some chilly carnal mission.
“Eerie,” tourists say, like the stick people who walk the beach day after day, who must live near the sea at any price, as if the ocean would fill an empty heart through which sea wind blows,
& what they say they say to themselves as if no one else had ever been, that they too had made some memorable performance that cannot be recalled, some thought that returned only to leave again. Copyright 2006-2012 by Cook Communication |