The Innisfree Poetry Journal by David Stankiewicz
Cribstone Bridge, Bailey Island Maine
The bridge to the island of my childhood enchantment is fashioned of stone’s repose.
Without mortar or cable, concrete or steel, without any artless distress,
it holds open its course, its singular way, each quarried slab in its place:
granite laid on granite laid on bedrock and ledge, a rhythm of chambered space.
On his book’s first page Augustine sighed, O Lord our hearts are restless
until they rest in You.
As the stones of the bridge rest like the words of a poem while the tides flow freely through.
District of day’s emptiness, of nettles and diesel smoke, stray billboards and bored pigeons, of desultory cats crossing vacant lots like the lonely old who no longer believe the legends of themselves. Copyright 2006-2012 by Cook Communication |