The Innisfree Poetry Journal

by Roger Fogelman


(meaning out of one's mind)
The crooked mind is expensive like a golden snake
And is self-conscious to the nth degree
But reveals itself in the lowliest
And, needful of help,
Frightened of itself
Dies in the hard street
Due to quarrel with society

Comfort ye, comfort ye my people
God knows what you do not
Why you undergo yours and others not
And why you cry leaden tears
For which God should apologize
Poor venomous wretch
And all in all that is all to say.

Sheilagh MacConochie

Sheilagh sit with me awhile.

Soft the night with a smile

Like a butterfly fluttering

Let us see what love can bring

You were never a coy flirt

And meant no one any hurt

You were firm and you were fine

As the blossoms of the trumpet vine

Sweet words enumerated single file

Sheilagh sit with me awhile

Sheilagh you were my destiny

My bashert—it was meant to be

But I was exceeding nice

So I lost my pearl of price

Sheilagh sit with me awhile

Sweet the night and with a smile

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