Jean Tupper


I’m riding my bike   my stationary bike
and staring at one of the hanging TVs
turn off the words  turn off the sound
the weather CNN
churning over my head
turn off the women pedaling next to me
don’t want to hear   don’t want to know
the tumor the biopsy
all the whispered words

from here I can’t reach
can’t turn off As the World Turns
nobody asks if I want it or not
they’re kissing again
No! she slaps him in the face
I don’t care but can’t look away
he doesn’t understand  
why her pain   how the baby
comes into it now   what it’s like
to be tossed away like trash

the twisted lady
has finished her hip abductions
and moved on to the pectoral fly
the gum-popper
is back on the treadmill
and the thin man
with pelted chest and arms
sweats profusely on the elliptical
I don’t really know anyone here
only that his name is Ralph
and the one with tattoos is an ex-Marine
we use the same machines
row the same compound row
give the equipment a good wipe
there’s a lot of skin showing
but nobody touches   

Jean Tupper

Jean Tupper's work has been published or will appear in Bayou, Carquinez Review, Confluence, The Larcom Review, The Madison Review, The MacGuffin, The Nebraska Review, New Delta Review,Oregon East, The Paterson Literary Review, RE:AL, Rio Grande Review, Thema, Blue Unicorn,The Distillery, Eclipse, Eureka Literary Magazine, Inkwell, Slipstream, Snake Nation Review, Solo, Southern Humanities Review, Southern Poetry Review, Westview, West Wind Review, Wisconsin Review,Worcester Review, Piedmont Literary Review, Plainsongs, and elsewhere.



Current Issue
Contributors' Notes

Karren Alenier

Jon Ballard

Virginia Bell

Bruce Bennett

Sarah Bonifacio

Sarah Browning

Jared Carter

John Thomas Clark

Jennifer Pruden Colligan

Claire Crabtree

Yoko Danno

Anthony DiMatteo

Robert Farnsworth

Carol Frith

Martin Galvin

Jen Garfield

Do Gentry

John Grey

JoAnne Growney

Amanda Halkiotis

Kirsten Hampton

Sherry Horowitz

Reamy Jansen

Brian P. Katz

Jesse Keegan

Mary Ann Larkin

Nancy Tupper Ling

Gregory Luce

Pete Mackey

Larry Moffi

Judy Neri

Shep Ranbom

Cynthia Nitz Ris

Lori Romero

Janice D. Soderling

Sandra Staas

Paul Kareem Tayyar

Naomi Thiers

Davide Trame

Jean Tupper

R.J. Van Zandt

Sharlie West

Barbara M. White

Terence Winch

Kathi Wolfe

Ernie Wormwood

Katherine E. Young










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Last Updated: Sep 16th, 2007 - 08:34:32

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