Sean Enright


May Heket the missing fertility frog
be found and to it may she hop

May she jerk and wend her way
for love across the rain forest

Let her be with gravity
Let it be just hot enough

Attend no street sound
Allow only yon moist Heket

She's on the top of that hillside
in Weehawken calling down rain

She's vogueing by still water
prepped to sing

Is she out of her head
She does not know from urgency

Her little dimpled throat lets fly
She gets even wetter and starts to sing

Sean Enright
Sean Enright's poems have appeared in Triquarterly, Threepenny Review, and The Sewanee Review, among others. He is the author of a novel, Goof and Other Stories, and teaches at the University of Maryland. He is currently completing a novel called How To Disappear Completely, and a play about the Lincoln assassination, The Third Walking Gentleman.



Current Issue
Contributors' Notes

Carol Ashworth

E. Louise Beach

Sandra Beasley

Anne Becker

Mel Belin

Rick Cannon

Nancy Naomi Carlson

Norma Chapman

Christopher Conlon

Michael Davis

Martin Dickinson

Jehanne Dubrow

Moira Egan

Sean Enright

Perry Epes

Lillian Frankel

Martin Galvin

Rachel Galvin

Bernadette Geyer

Patricia Gray

Laurie Hurvitz

Tod Ibrahim

Bernard Jankowski

Lisa Kosow

Michael Lally

Hiram Larew

Michael H. Lythgoe

Ebby Malmgren

Dan Masterson

Ryan McAllister

Judith McCombs

Miles David Moore

Daniel Abdul-Hayy Moore

Heidi Mordhorst

Yvette Neisser

Judy Neri

Bonnie Nevel

Barbara J. Orton

Eric Pankey

Jacklyn Potter

Ellen Sazzman

J.D. Smith

Rose Solari

Alan Spears

Gary Stein

Adele Steiner

Mark Tarallo

Colette Thomas

Doug Wilkinson

Rhonda Williford

Terence Winch

Rosemary Winslow

Kathi Wolfe

Anne Harding Woodworth

Bill Wunder










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Last Updated: Sep 16th, 2007 - 08:34:32

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