Hiram Larew


I’m not a box of chocolates
And I’m not a pond out in the middle
of a lake
Or a rocket shooting off to somewhere
I’m right here right now
And simply put
Paying attention
To what’s against everything I was ever taught—
Even the beauty of fevers
I’m also finding out that there’s nothing shameful
about twice
I’ve always been twice
(So have you)
In the big scheme of things
Most of what has to get done once won’t
Be it hot or cold
Unless something else really catches
So I would like to dedicate this tooth
This rhyme
To everything that catches
In the hopes that my stories such as they are
Will get golder over time.


The boy who was there
Will always be the boy who
was there
He was not there at all but was there
to remember
And was gone as if he had never been there
or about
But was here near the near of tomorrow
Coming nearer to here or then there

He was the boy of tomorrow and
never was there
Or could be about but in all of
tomorrow he was the boy
Who was there and will always be
near as if
Tomorrow was here
So he was tomorrow not always
And he was the boy who
will always be here
Nearer and nearer to there.

Hiram Larew
Larew's work has appeared in several poetry journals and he has received poetry awards such as the Louisiana Literature Poetry prize. He lives in Upper Marlboro, Maryland.



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Contributors' Notes

Carol Ashworth

E. Louise Beach

Sandra Beasley

Anne Becker

Mel Belin

Rick Cannon

Nancy Naomi Carlson

Norma Chapman

Christopher Conlon

Michael Davis

Martin Dickinson

Jehanne Dubrow

Moira Egan

Sean Enright

Perry Epes

Lillian Frankel

Martin Galvin

Rachel Galvin

Bernadette Geyer

Patricia Gray

Laurie Hurvitz

Tod Ibrahim

Bernard Jankowski

Lisa Kosow

Michael Lally

Hiram Larew

Michael H. Lythgoe

Ebby Malmgren

Dan Masterson

Ryan McAllister

Judith McCombs

Miles David Moore

Daniel Abdul-Hayy Moore

Heidi Mordhorst

Yvette Neisser

Judy Neri

Bonnie Nevel

Barbara J. Orton

Eric Pankey

Jacklyn Potter

Ellen Sazzman

J.D. Smith

Rose Solari

Alan Spears

Gary Stein

Adele Steiner

Mark Tarallo

Colette Thomas

Doug Wilkinson

Rhonda Williford

Terence Winch

Rosemary Winslow

Kathi Wolfe

Anne Harding Woodworth

Bill Wunder










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Last Updated: Sep 16th, 2007 - 08:34:32

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